41%的美国公立学校区因气候危机导致缺乏AC, 需要HVAC升级, 严重影响底特律大都会学校。 41% of US public school districts require HVAC upgrades due to climate crisis-related lack of AC, significantly affecting Metro Detroit schools.
41%的美国公立学校区因气候危机导致缺乏AC, 需要HVAC升级, 底特律市有数千所学校受到影响。 41% of US public school districts need HVAC upgrades due to climate crisis-induced lack of AC, with thousands of schools affected in Metro Detroit. 2023年,底特律公立学校社区区75%以上的学校没有使用AC。 Detroit Public School Community District had over 75% schools without functioning AC in 2023. 不断增长的研究显示,炎热的教室对学生学习产生了负面影响。 Growing research shows hot classrooms negatively impact student learning. 美国援救计划为公立学校拨款170bn美元,优先进行HVAC升级和室内空气质量。 American Rescue Plan allocated $170bn for public schools, prioritizing HVAC upgrades and indoor air quality.