特朗普在阿富汗士兵牺牲 3 周年之际参观阿灵顿国家公墓,因对中士咧嘴笑而受到批评。 吉的坟墓。 Trump visits Arlington National Cemetery on 3-year anniversary of Afghanistan soldiers' deaths, receives criticism for grinning at Sgt. Gee's grave.
前总统特朗普在阿富汗 13 名士兵阵亡三周年纪念日参观了阿灵顿国家公墓。 Former President Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery on the three-year anniversary of the 13 soldiers killed in Afghanistan. 批评者和观察家批评了一张特朗普咧嘴笑并对中士竖起大拇指的照片。 Critics and observers criticized a photo of Trump grinning and giving a thumbs up at Sgt. Nicole Gee 的坟墓,他们认为这不合适。 Nicole Gee's grave, which they found inappropriate. 特朗普举行了敬献花圈仪式来纪念 2021 年的事件,将他与塔利班达成的交易归咎于现任政府。 Trump staged a wreath-laying ceremony to mark the 2021 event, blaming the current administration for the deal he made with the Taliban.