Tesla CEO Elon Musk支持加利福尼亚州AI安全法案SB 1047,旨在为AI制定安全条例。 Tesla CEO Elon Musk supports California's AI safety bill, SB 1047, aiming to establish safety regulations for AI.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk支持加利福尼亚州AI安全法案SB 1047,其目的是制定人工智能安全条例。 Tesla CEO Elon Musk supports California's AI safety bill, SB 1047, which aims to establish safety regulations for artificial intelligence. 该法案要求技术公司和AI开发商对其AI模型进行安全测试,并防止滥用AI产品。 The bill requires tech companies and AI developers to conduct safety testing on their AI models and prevent misuses of AI products. Musk也经营AI公司xAI, 认为加利福尼亚州应该通过法案, 试图防止大型AI模型对人类造成“严重伤害”。 Musk, who also runs AI company xAI, believes California should pass the bill, which seeks to prevent large AI models from causing "critical harms" against humanity. 然而,CatateGPT的制造者OpenAI反对该法案,认为该法案会延缓创新,导致工程师离开国家去别处寻找更多机会。 However, OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, has opposed the bill, arguing that it could slow innovation and lead engineers to leave the state in search of greater opportunity elsewhere.