加利福尼亚州州长否决了AI安全法案SB 1047,使该州没有专门的AI条例。 California Governor vetoes AI safety bill SB 1047, leaving the state without specific AI regulations.
加州州长Gavin Newsom否决了AI安全法案SB 1047, 该法案旨在规范大型AI型模式, California Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed SB 1047, an AI safety bill aimed at regulating large AI models, citing its limited scope and potential inadequacy in addressing safety concerns. 现在加州没有具体的AI法规. The veto leaves California without specific AI regulations for now. Newsom强调必须采取更全面的办法和计划,与专家协商,制定有效的安全措施,向前迈进。 Newsom emphasized the need for a more comprehensive approach and plans to consult with experts to develop effective safety measures moving forward.