国会女议员Pelosi批评加利福尼亚的AI条例法案(SB 1047), Congresswoman Pelosi criticizes California's AI regulation bill (SB 1047) as more harmful than helpful.
国会女议员Nancy Pelosi批评加利福尼亚的AI监管法案(SB 1047)“伤害大于帮助”, 对旨在监管人工智能的法案表示关切。 Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi has criticized California's AI regulation bill (SB 1047) as "more harmful than helpful", expressing concerns about the bill that aims to regulate artificial intelligence. 该法案的发起人、州参议员斯科特·维纳(Scott Wiener)表示不同意,他表示,该法案旨在确保主要人工智能公司的安全测试承诺。 The bill's sponsor, State Senator Scott Wiener, respectfully disagrees, stating it's designed to ensure safety testing commitments from major AI companies. 由于她的资历,Pelosi的反对引起了关于她的意见在这件事上可能占主导地位的问题。 Pelosi's opposition, due to her seniority, raises questions about the potential dominance of her opinion in the matter.