老挝政府考虑提高企业雇员津贴,因为生活费用上涨。 Laos's government considers raising enterprise employee allowances due to rising cost of living.
老挝政府正在考虑为企业雇员提高支助津贴,以应对不断上涨的生活费用,正如索内萨伊·西潘多尼总理在8月的政府会议上所强调的那样。 Laos's government is considering raising supporting allowances for enterprise employees to combat the increasing cost of living, as highlighted by Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone in August's government meeting. 高通胀和货币贬值降低了实际工资,导致劳动力短缺,一些工人到国外寻找工作。 High inflation and currency depreciation have reduced real wages, leading to labor shortages and some workers seeking employment abroad. 会议还审查了2024-2028年法律草案和电力定价结构。 The meeting also reviewed draft laws and the electricity pricing structure for 2024-2028.