事件地平线望远镜协作实现了19微弧秒的远距离超大质量黑洞的分辨率观测. The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration achieved a 19 microarcsecond resolution observation of distant supermassive black holes.
事件地平线望远镜(EHT)实现了对从地球表面取得的黑洞的最高分辨率观测。 The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has achieved the highest-resolution observations of black holes ever taken from Earth's surface. 由全世界科学家组成的EHT协作项目使用无线电望远镜结合观测远方星系及其超大质量黑洞,频率约为345千兆赫,波长相当于0.87毫米。 The EHT Collaboration, comprised of scientists worldwide, used a combination of radio telescopes to observe distant galaxies and their supermassive black holes at a frequency of around 345 GHz, equivalent to a wavelength of 0.87 mm. 新的观测结果产生了一个高达19微弧的分辨率,这是从地球表面获得的最高分辨率。 The new observations have resulted in a resolution as fine as 19 microarcseconds, the highest ever resolution obtained from the surface of Earth. 这些高分辨率图像将帮助研究人员揭开黑洞如何吸引物质和发射强大喷射机的奥秘,并使人们深入了解以前无法观察的较小、更弱、更远的超级黑洞。 These high-resolution images will help researchers uncover the mysteries of how black holes attract matter and launch powerful jets, and could provide insight into previously unobservable smaller, fainter, and more distant supermassive black holes.