在不列颠哥伦比亚树果合作社关闭后, Kelowana的市长宣布与Sandher水果包装公司达成临时协议,以协助当地水果种植者。 Kelowna's Mayor announces temporary deal with Sandher Fruit Packing to assist local fruit growers after BC Tree Fruits Cooperative's closure.
基洛纳市长汤姆·迪亚斯(Tom Dyas)宣布与Sandher Fruit Packing达成一项临时协议,以在BC Tree Fruits Cooperative的包装厂关闭后协助当地水果种植者。 Kelowna's Mayor Tom Dyas announced a temporary deal with Sandher Fruit Packing to assist local fruit growers following the closure of BC Tree Fruits Cooperative's packing house. 该协议旨在解决废水处理问题,同时努力寻求长期解决办法,支持当地水果种植业和农民,并解决社区关切的问题。 The agreement aims to address wastewater disposal while working on a long-term solution, supporting the local fruit-growing industry and farmers, and addressing community concerns. 不列颠哥伦比亚省树木果园的关闭使125个就业机会丧失,并突出了一些水果合作社面临的财政挑战。 The closure of BC Tree Fruits has left 125 jobs lost and highlighted the financial challenges faced by some fruit cooperatives.