83 岁的 COVID-19 响应负责人 Anthony Fauci 博士因西尼罗河病毒住院,正在家康复。 83-year-old Dr. Anthony Fauci, COVID-19 response leader, hospitalized for West Nile virus, recovering at home.
83 岁的 Anthony Fauci 博士是美国前顶级传染病专家和 COVID-19 应对负责人,因西尼罗河病毒住院,目前正在家康复。 83-year-old Dr. Anthony Fauci, former top US infectious disease expert and COVID-19 response leader, was hospitalized due to West Nile virus and is now recovering at home. 这种病毒主要通过蚊子叮咬传播,没有特定的疫苗或治疗方法,福奇预计会完全康复。 The virus, which is primarily transmitted through mosquito bites, has no specific vaccine or treatment, and Fauci expects to make a full recovery.