Bel Air附近的405号高速公路发生4次车辆失事,导致3人住院和交通中断。 4-vehicle crash on 405 Freeway near Bel Air led to 3 hospitalizations and traffic disruption.
Bel Air附近的405号高速公路发生4次车辆撞车事件,导致3人住院,交通严重中断。 4-vehicle crash on 405 Freeway near Bel Air led to 3 hospitalizations and significant traffic disruption. 下午9时30分在Mulholland车道附近发生一辆车失火事故。 The accident involving one vehicle on fire occurred at 9:30pm near Mulholland Drive. 洛杉矶消防局对4名病人进行了评估,其中两名妇女、一名男子和一名男孩参与。 Four patients were assessed by the Los Angeles Fire Department, with two women, one man, and a boy involved. 2名妇女和1名男子被送往医院,而男孩接受了评估,但不需要住院治疗。 Two women and one man were taken to the hospital, while the boy was evaluated but did not require hospitalization. 车辆移到右肩后,交通于下午10时41分恢复。 Traffic resumed at 10:41pm after vehicles were moved to the right shoulder.