在TX的Pasadena发生5次车辆撞车事故,造成2人死亡和多人受伤;一辆汽车着火。 5-vehicle crash in Pasadena, TX, resulted in 2 deaths and multiple injuries; one vehicle caught fire.
在得克萨斯州帕萨迪纳发生的一次五轮车祸造成两人死亡和多人受伤。 A five-vehicle crash in Pasadena, Texas, resulted in two deaths and multiple injuries. 事件发生在星期日下午的艾伦热那亚路和里奇街交汇处。 The incident occurred at the intersection of Allen Genoa Road and Richey Street on Sunday afternoon. 一辆汽车着火,炸死一名乘客,另一名乘客被空运到医院。 One vehicle caught fire, killing an occupant, while another passenger was airlifted to the hospital. 除其他外,受伤程度尚不清楚。 The extent of injuries among others is unclear. 目前正在进行调查。 An investigation is ongoing. 随着更多资料的提供,预计会进一步更新。 Further updates are anticipated as more information becomes available.