俄克拉荷马城警方对 Axon 的 AI 聊天机器人进行实验,以生成轻微事件报告。 Oklahoma City police experiment with AI chatbots by Axon to generate minor incident reports.
俄克拉荷马城警方正在试验由泰瑟枪和随身摄像机背后的公司 Axon 开发的 AI 聊天机器人,以在几秒钟内从录音中生成事件报告的初稿。 Oklahoma City police are experimenting with AI chatbots developed by Axon, the company behind Tasers and body cameras, to generate first drafts of incident reports in seconds from audio recordings. 虽然官员们发现技术节省了时间,但有人对技术对法庭程序的影响以及AI产生的报告可能产生的偏差表示关切。 While officers find the technology time-saving, concerns have been raised regarding its impact on court proceedings and potential AI-generated report bias. 目前,该工具用于处理没有导致逮捕或重罪的轻微事件。 Currently, the tool is used for minor incidents that do not lead to arrests or felonies.