Avon和Somrset警察审判AI工具Söze在30小时内分析冷案证据。 Avon and Somerset Police trial AI tool Söze to analyze cold case evidence in 30 hours.
Avon和Somrset警察正在试用澳大利亚人工智能工具Söze, Avon and Somerset Police are trialing an Australian AI tool, Söze, to assist in solving cold cases. 这种技术可以分析30小时内从各种来源得到的证据 -- -- 人类需要81年才能完成的工作。 This technology can analyze evidence from various sources in 30 hours—work that would take humans up to 81 years. 警察计划进行进一步测试,以评估其证据使用的有效性。 The police plan to conduct further tests to evaluate its effectiveness for evidential use. 国家警察局长委员会主席Gavin Stephens认可这一工具有利于处理长期未决的罪行。 Gavin Stephens, chair of the National Police Chiefs' Council, endorses the tool as beneficial for addressing long-standing unsolved crimes.