德克萨斯州居民丽贝卡·克拉克 (Rebecca Clark) 在靠得太近后在 Caprock Canyons 州立公园被领地野牛咬伤。 Texas resident Rebecca Clark gored by territorial bison at Caprock Canyons State Park after getting too close.
得克萨斯州居民Rebecca Clark 2022年10月在卡普罗克峡谷州公园与一头野牛密切接触。 Texas resident Rebecca Clark had a close encounter with a territorial bison at Caprock Canyons State Park in October 2022. 她在智能手机上录制视频时离牛群太近,被刺伤并被扔进了牧豆树丛中。 She got too close to a herd while recording a video on her smartphone and was gored and tossed into a mesquite bush. 成年男性体重高达2,200磅的Bison因其角和速度的尖锐性,可能证明是危险的,专家们建议至少保持距离动物100英尺的安全距离。 Bison, weighing up to 2,200 pounds for adult males, can prove dangerous due to their sharp horns and speed, and experts recommend maintaining a safe distance of at least 100 feet from the animals.