查塔姆 McNaughton Ave. W 99 号:120 个单元的公寓起火,90 个单元受到影响,没有严重伤害,原因不明。 99 McNaughton Ave. W in Chatham: 120-unit apartment fire, 90 units impacted, no serious injuries, cause unknown.
恰塔姆的McNaughton Ave. W 99在周日清晨发生住宅火灾,影响到一座120个单元的公寓楼,90个单元受到影响。 99 McNaughton Ave. W in Chatham experienced a residential fire, affecting a 120-unit apartment building early Sunday morning, with 90 units impacted. 一些居民吸入了烟雾,但没有严重受伤的报告。 Some residents suffered smoke inhalation but no serious injuries were reported. 道路仍然关闭,火灾原因不明。 The road remains closed and the cause of the fire is unknown. 紧急服务优先关注流离失所居民的安全和福祉,受害者服务提供支助。 Emergency services prioritize the safety and well-being of displaced residents, with Victim Services offering support.