在Clifton的Rebel Hill路上发生车祸,造成两名SUV乘客严重受伤;调查仍在进行中。 Car crash on Rebel Hill Road in Clifton leaves two SUV occupants seriously injured; investigation ongoing.
在Clifton的Rebel Hill路发生车祸,两名SUV乘客在汽车滑离公路并多次滚动后受重伤。 A car crash on Rebel Hill Road in Clifton left two SUV occupants with serious injuries after the car skidded off the road and rolled multiple times. 据目击者报告,该车辆在事故发生前可能高速行驶。 Witnesses reported the vehicle may have been driving at high speeds before the accident. Penobscot县治安官办公室正在调查这一事件,尽管受害者目前没有医疗状况。 The Penobscot County Sheriff's Office is investigating the incident, though the victims' current medical status is unavailable.