津巴布韦的 Mahwau 诊所由非政府组织 Kariba REDD+ 运营,已被政府关闭;村民们为了医疗而面临 40 公里的旅行。 Zimbabwe's Mahwau Clinic, run by NGO Kariba REDD+, closed by government; villagers face 40km travel for healthcare.
向津巴布韦Mashonaland西部省的3 000名村民提供服务的Mahwau诊所被政府关闭,因为政府命令非政府组织在《气候变化法》颁布之前停止运作。 Mahwau Clinic, serving 3,000 villagers in Zimbabwe's Mashonaland West province, was closed by the government as it ordered non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to halt operations until the Climate Change Act is enacted. 该诊所由 Kariba REDD+ 于两年前建造,现在迫使村民前往 40 多公里的最近诊所,这增加了医疗保健获取的挑战。 The clinic, built by Kariba REDD+ two years ago, now forces villagers to travel over 40km to the nearest clinic, increasing healthcare access challenges. Kariba REDD+已经申请新的许可证,并希望一旦《气候变化法》生效,将恢复运作。 Kariba REDD+ has applied for a new permit and is hopeful to resume operations once the Climate Change Act is in place.