加纳居民反对将社区诊所迁至翻新,理由是最近的翻修和缺乏替代物。 Residents in Ghana oppose moving their community clinic for renovation, citing recent renovations and lack of alternatives.
加纳Teshie Maamli的居民反对卫生部指示搬迁社区诊所,以便因人口增长而进行康复。 Residents in Teshie Maamli, Ghana, oppose the Ministry of Health's directive to relocate their community clinic for rehabilitation due to population growth. 居民争辩说,该诊所是他们的主要保健提供者,而且由于最近对诊所进行了翻修,因此时机不好。 The residents argue that the clinic is their main health provider and that the timing is poor, as the clinic was recently renovated. 该地区大会成员也表示不赞成,建议采取其他解决办法,如建造另一个设施。 Assembly Members in the area also disapprove, suggesting alternative solutions like building another facility.