32岁的David Jackson在新奥尔良被捕 罪名是虐待动物 32-year-old David Jackson arrested in New Orleans on animal cruelty charges for an emaciated dog and another's remains.
32岁的David Jackson在新奥尔良的Little Woods被捕, 罪名是虐待动物, 32-year-old David Jackson was arrested in Little Woods, New Orleans, on animal cruelty charges after detectives found an emaciated dog with no access to food or water, and the remains of another dog in a locked kennel during an unrelated investigation. 路易斯安那州SPCA已经拘留了幸存的狗,如果Jackson被定罪,他将面临10年至10年的监禁。 The Louisiana SPCA has taken the surviving dog into custody, and Jackson faces 1-10 years in state prison if convicted. 新奥尔良警察局认真对待有关动物虐待的指控,并鼓励举报此类案件。 The New Orleans Police Department takes allegations of animal cruelty seriously and encourages reporting such cases.