达卡大学音乐会为孟加拉洪水灾民募集资金和支持。 Music concert at Dhaka University raises funds and support for flood victims in Bangladesh.
在达卡大学 Raju 纪念馆举行的音乐会支持孟加拉国的洪水灾民。 Music concert held at Dhaka University's Raju Memorial site supports flood victims in Bangladesh. 季风降雨引发洪水,造成13人死亡,300万人流离失所,并在政治过渡期间挑战临时政府。 Floods, triggered by monsoon rainfall, have killed 13 people, marooned 3 million, and challenged the interim government amid political transition. 当地乐队唱反政府的抗议歌曲,鼓励与会者捐钱、捐药、捐衣服。 Local bands performed anti-government protest songs and encouraged attendees to donate money, medicine, and clothes.