6 月 19 日,孟加拉国科克斯巴扎尔地区因暴雨引发山体滑坡,造成 9 名罗兴亚难民死亡。 9 Rohingya refugees died in landslides caused by heavy rain in Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar district on 19 June.
6 月 19 日,孟加拉国科克斯巴扎尔地区的罗兴亚难民营因暴雨引发山体滑坡,造成 9 人死亡,其中包括 8 名罗兴亚难民。 9 people, including 8 Rohingya refugees, were killed in landslides triggered by heavy rain in Rohingya camps in Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar district on 19 June. 山体滑坡袭击了该地区的第 9 号和第 10 号营地,该地区自 6 月 18 日以来一直遭受强降雨。 The landslides hit camps 9 and 10 in the area, which has been experiencing heavy rainfall since 18 June. 当局正在努力疏散仍居住在危险山坡上的居民。 Authorities are working to evacuate those still living in risky hilly slopes. 该国极易受到灾害和气候变化的影响,全球气候风险指数将该国列为受影响最严重的国家之一。 This comes as the country is highly vulnerable to disasters and climate change, with the Global Climate Risk Index ranking it among the most affected nations.