检察官为起诉Idaho学生谋杀案被告Bryan Kohberger的证据收集方法辩护。 Prosecutors defend evidence gathering methods against Bryan Kohberger, accused in Idaho student murders.
Bryan Kohberger被控谋杀4名爱达荷大学学生,该案的检察官反对他的辩护主张,即关键证据的获取不当。 Prosecutors in the case against Bryan Kohberger, accused of murdering four University of Idaho students, are opposing his defense's claims that key evidence was improperly obtained. 他们辩称,对Kohberger的个人物品、电话记录和住宅进行搜查是适当的,证明搜查无效的举证责任在于辩方。 They argue that searches of Kohberger's personal items, phone records, and homes were appropriate and that the burden of proof is on the defense to show the searches were invalid. 审判预定在2025年8月进行。 The trial is set for August 2025.