19岁的摩托车手在密歇根州麦迪逊高地I-75高速碰撞中丧生,另一名受伤。 19-year-old motorcyclist killed, another injured in high-speed collision on I-75 in Madison Heights, Michigan.
美国密歇根州麦迪逊高地75号公路上发生高速车祸造成19岁的赛吉诺摩托车手死亡,另一人受伤. 19-year-old Saginaw motorcyclist killed, another injured in a high-speed crash on I-75 in Madison Heights, Michigan. 两名年龄分别为 19 岁和 20 岁的骑手在车流中穿梭并超速行驶时,他们的摩托车与一辆雪佛兰 Silverado 相撞。 Both riders, aged 19 and 20, were weaving through traffic and speeding when their motorcycles collided with a Chevrolet Silverado. 这名19岁的人在现场死亡,另一名骑手被送往医院。 The 19-year-old died at the scene, while the other rider was taken to the hospital. 警方强调安全骑摩托车对于防止类似事故的重要性。 Police emphasize the importance of safe motorcycle riding to prevent similar accidents.