19岁的摩托车手在圣乔治与左转车辆碰撞后死于坠毁。 19-year-old motorcyclist dies in St. George crash after collision with left-turning vehicle.
十九岁的摩托车手在星期五在圣乔治的车祸中死亡, 19-year-old motorcyclist died in a crash on Friday in St. George, after colliding with a vehicle making a left turn. 事件发生在下午 5 点 10 分的 2450 East,摩托车手高速行驶。 The incident occurred on 2450 East at 5:10 p.m., with the motorcyclist traveling at high speed. 汽车司机受伤,道路仍然关闭,以进行调查;这是在犹他州南部一系列摩托车死亡事件中的最近一次。 The driver of the vehicle was injured and the road remains closed for investigation; this is the latest in a series of motorcycle fatalities in Southern Utah.