在不列颠哥伦比亚省坎贝尔河,一名男子在一辆越野车撞车事故中受重伤,原因是涉嫌武装男子事件,促使警方做出反应; IIO 将调查警方在该男子受伤事件中可能扮演的角色。 In Campbell River, BC, a man sustained serious injuries in a dirt bike crash after an alleged armed man incident, prompting police response; the IIO will investigate possible police role in the man's injury.
周日,不列颠哥伦比亚省坎贝尔河发生了一起越野车撞车事故,导致一名男子受重伤,但没有生命危险。 On Sunday, a dirt bike crash incident in Campbell River, British Columbia, resulted in a man sustaining serious, but not life-threatening injuries. 独立调查办公室(IIO)正在调查这一事件,该事件始于警方接到报告称车道上有一名武装男子。 The Independent Investigations Office (IIO) is probing the event, which began when police responded to a report of an armed man in a driveway. 该男子后来在埃里克森路向东转向后撞坏了越野车。 The man later crashed the dirt bike after turning east on Erickson Road. IIO 将调查事件发生前和事件期间的事件,评估警方的作为或不作为对该男子受伤的影响(如果有)。 The IIO will investigate the events leading up to and during the incident, assessing the role, if any, of the police's actions or inaction in the man's injury.