一名在魁北克被捕的巴基斯坦男子因被控策划袭击纽约布鲁克林的犹太人中心而面临指控。 A Pakistani man arrested in Quebec faces charges for allegedly plotting an attack on a Jewish center in Brooklyn, NY.
一名在魁北克被捕的巴基斯坦男子被控策划袭击纽约布鲁克林的犹太中心。 A Pakistani man arrested in Quebec faces charges for allegedly plotting an attack on a Jewish center in Brooklyn, New York. 他持学生签证进入加拿大,引起对监测外国学生的潜在恐怖主义风险的关切。 He entered Canada on a student visa, raising concerns about monitoring foreign students for potential terrorism risks. 加拿大当局正与美国执法部门合作,防止今后出现威胁,强调在打击极端主义方面开展国际合作的必要性。 Canadian authorities are collaborating with U.S. law enforcement to prevent future threats, highlighting the need for international cooperation in countering extremism.