Marie Curie与英格兰东部国家保健服务局合作,通过一项调查收集匿名经验,以改善临终护理。 Marie Curie partners with NHS East of England to collect anonymous experiences through a survey to improve end-of-life care.
Marie Curie是英国主要的寿终慈善组织,与英格兰东NHS合作,通过为期15分钟的匿名调查收集经验,目的是改善该地区的寿终护理。 Marie Curie, a leading UK end-of-life charity, partners with NHS East of England to gather experiences through a 15-minute anonymous survey, aiming to improve end-of-life care in the region. 该调查面向 18+ 岁患有绝症或有亲人护理经验的人,于 9 月 30 日结束。 Open to those aged 18+ with a terminal illness or experience with a loved one's care, the survey closes on September 30th. 调查的深入了解将为缓和护理服务的战略和改进提供信息。 Insights from the survey will inform strategies and improvements to palliative care services.