由于市场挑战和电网基础设施问题,Equinor公司取消了越南近海风力项目。 Equinor cancels Vietnam offshore wind projects due to market challenges and grid infrastructure issues.
挪威能源公司Equinor以市场挑战和电网基础设施问题为由,取消越南的离岸风力项目。 Norwegian energy firm Equinor cancels offshore wind projects in Vietnam, citing market challenges & grid infrastructure issues. 这一决定是在越南遭受挫折之后作出的,包括去年由于越南的电力发展计划改变而暂停投标。 This decision follows setbacks in the country, including last year's suspension of bidding due to changes in Vietnam's power development plan. 公司将继续致力于可再生能源,并将专注于其他市场的机会. Equinor remains committed to renewable energy and will focus on opportunities in other markets.