总督亨利·麦克马斯特签署南卡罗来纳州税收抵免方案对废弃建筑物的延长,增加最高抵免额,延长其到期日。 Governor Henry McMaster signed an extension of South Carolina's tax credit program for abandoned buildings, increasing the maximum credit and extending its expiration date.
总督亨利·麦克马斯特签署了南卡罗来纳州废弃建筑物税收抵免方案的延期,将每年的最高抵免额从500 000美元增加到700 000美元,并将该方案的到期日从2025年延长到2035年。 Governor Henry McMaster signed an extension of South Carolina's tax credit program for abandoned buildings, increasing the maximum credit per year from $500,000 to $700,000 and extending the program's expiration date from 2025 to 2035. 该方案始于2013年,导致2 200多处房产的税收减免超过9 600万美元。 The program, which began in 2013, has led to more than $96 million in tax breaks for over 2,200 properties. 增加税收抵免的目的是鼓励对被忽视的财产进行更多的投资,创造就业机会和振兴社区,同时维护地方历史和公共安全。 The increased tax credit is intended to encourage more investment in neglected properties, creating jobs and revitalizing communities, while also preserving local history and public safety.