Nebraska提出法案,恢复85%的地产所有者的税收减免,费用高达750万加元。 Nebraska proposes bill to restore tax credit for 85% of property owners, costing up to $750M.
内布拉斯加州立法者提议一项法案(LB81),在前一份法案(LB34)出错后,为大约85%的财产所有者恢复丧失的财产税抵免,追溯性地终止了现有的信贷方案。 Nebraska lawmakers are proposing a bill, LB81, to restore a lost property tax credit for about 85% of property owners after an error in a previous bill, LB34, retroactively ended the existing credit program. 这一错误使许多人无法从2023年的税收中获得信贷。 The mistake left many unable to receive a credit for their 2023 taxes. 新法案旨在恢复信贷方案,耗资5亿至7.5亿美元,使现有的4.32亿美元预算缺口增加。 The new bill aims to revive the credit program, costing the state between $500 million and $750 million, adding to an existing $432 million budget shortfall. 立法者正在努力解决国家预算问题,同时确保提供这种救助。 Lawmakers are working to address the state’s budget while ensuring this relief is provided.