根据一项39项研究的研究,女医生的自杀风险比一般人口高76%。 Female doctors have a 76% higher suicide risk than the general population, according to a study of 39 studies.
根据来自20个国家的39项研究的研究,与一般人口相比,女医生的自杀风险高76%。 Female doctors have a 76% higher risk of suicide compared to the general population, according to a study of 39 studies from 20 countries. 尽管医生的自杀率总体上有所下降,但女医生的自杀率仍然显著提高。 Although suicide rates among doctors have decreased overall, the rate for female physicians remains significantly higher. 这项研究强调需要继续研究和预防工作,特别是对女医生的研究和预防工作,并指出,对心理健康的认识和对医生的工作场所支持可能已经对自杀率的下降起了作用。 The study highlights the need for continued research and prevention efforts, particularly for female doctors, and suggests that mental health awareness and workplace support for physicians might have played a role in the decline of suicide rates.