国家医疗委员会的心理健康工作队提议,驻地医生每周工作74小时。 National Medical Commission's mental health task force proposes 74-hour work week limit for resident doctors.
国家医疗委员会心理健康工作队建议,住院医生每周最多可工作74小时,以改善其心理健康。 The National Medical Commission's task force on mental health has proposed a maximum 74-hour work week for resident doctors to improve their mental wellbeing. 工作队提出了44项建议,包括24x7政府咨询热线、学院和宿舍的适当设施以及家庭参与入门方案以了解医科学生的压力。 The task force made 44 recommendations, including a 24x7 government counselling helpline, proper amenities in colleges and hostels, and family involvement in induction programs to understand medical students' pressures. 报告还支持废除医科学生的债券政策。 The report also supports abolishing the bond policy for medical students.