在安大略滑铁卢地区,20%的饮用水供应管道,早期修复,解除供水限制。 20% drinking water supply pipeline in Waterloo Region, Ontario, repaired early, lifts water restrictions.
安大略的滑铁卢地区在修复了20%的关键饮用水供应管道之后提前解除了供水限制。 Waterloo Region in Ontario lifts water restrictions after a crucial 20% drinking water supply pipeline was repaired ahead of schedule. 输油管供应了该地区20%的水,由于居民努力减少水量,在不到一周的时间里修复了输油管。 The pipeline, which supplies 20% of the region's water, was repaired in less than a week due to residents' water reduction efforts. 地方政府感谢它们的合作,鼓励继续节水,特别是在夏季。 The local government is grateful for their cooperation and encourages continued water conservation, especially during summer months.