43岁土著男子Dwayne Johnstone被新南威尔士州管教官致命枪杀;州验尸官建议审查火器法和培训。 43-yr-old Indigenous man Dwayne Johnstone fatally shot by NSW correctional officer; State Coroner recommends review of firearms laws and training.
2019年,43岁的土著男子Dwayne Johnstone在逃离拘留所时被一名狱警致命枪杀。 43-year-old Indigenous man Dwayne Johnstone was fatally shot by a correctional officer while fleeing custody in 2019. 在调查之后,国家验尸官Teresa O'Sullivan建议紧急审查澳大利亚新南威尔士州监管人员使用火器的法律。 Following an inquest, State Coroner Teresa O'Sullivan recommended an urgent review of laws governing the use of firearms by correctional officers in New South Wales, Australia. 奥沙利文指出,自 2019 年以来,新南威尔士州矫正服务局对培训和协议进行了重大改变,但他强调了教导官员在处理手无寸铁和戴着镣铐的囚犯时应具备的期望的重要性。 O'Sullivan noted that Corrective Services NSW had made significant changes to training and protocols since 2019 but emphasized the importance of teaching officers what is expected when dealing with unarmed and shackled inmates.