30岁男子在伊利诺伊州丹维尔被枪杀,警察调查;信息奖励。 30-year-old man shot in Danville, Illinois, police investigating; reward for information.
在伊利诺伊州丹维尔被枪杀后,30岁的男子身患重病。 30-year-old man in serious condition after being shot in Danville, Illinois. Danville警方正在调查8月20日上午12时15分发生在Chandler街1100街区的事件。 Danville Police are investigating the incident, which occurred on August 20 at 12:15 a.m. in the 1100 block of Chandler Street. 在现场发现了多枚弹壳,目击者报告说看到一辆黑暗的车辆在枪响后逃跑。 Multiple shell casings were found at the scene, and witnesses reported seeing a dark vehicle fleeing after the gunshots. Danville警察局为导致逮捕的信息提供高达1 000美元的奖励,可在217时431-2245分或通过向Vermilion县犯罪制止者提供匿名提示与该警察局联系。 The Danville Police Department is offering up to a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and can be contacted at (217) 431-2245 or through anonymous tips to Vermilion County Crime Stoppers.