26岁的Travis A. James于11月29日在Danville被一辆汽车击中身亡。 Travis A. James, 26, was killed after being struck by a vehicle in Danville on November 29.
来自丹维尔的26岁男子Travis A. James, 11月29日下午7时30分左右在穿过北鲍曼大道时被一辆车撞死。 Travis A. James, a 26-year-old man from Danville, was killed on November 29 after being struck by a vehicle while crossing North Bowman Avenue around 7:30 p.m. 这名34岁的女司机未受伤。 The 34-year-old female driver was uninjured. Danville警察已将调查交给伊利诺伊州警察局作进一步分析。 Danville Police have handed the investigation to the Illinois State Police for further analysis. 任何有情报的人都被要求联系丹维尔警方 或维米利安县犯罪制止者 Anyone with information is asked to contact Danville Police or Vermilion County Crime Stoppers.