在俄罗斯斯摩棱斯克地区,疑似乌克兰无人机袭击导致能源设施发生火灾。 In Russia's Smolensk region, suspected Ukrainian drone attacks caused fires at energy facilities.
俄罗斯斯摩棱斯克州州长瓦西里·阿诺欣称,疑似乌克兰无人机袭击导致俄罗斯斯摩棱斯克地区的能源设施发生火灾。 Fires hit energy facilities in Russia's Smolensk region after suspected Ukrainian drone attacks, according to Smolensk Governor Vasily Anokhin. 袭击针对的是斯摩棱斯克区和亚尔采夫斯基区的民用能源设施,并引发火灾。 The attacks targeted civilian energy facilities in Smolensky and Yartsevsky districts, causing fires. 暂无人员受伤的报告,但损坏程度尚不清楚。 No injuries reported, but the extent of the damage is unclear. 俄罗斯军队的防空武器正在对付空中目标,当地紧急服务部门正在处理善后事宜。 The Russian army's air defenses are being used against aerial targets, and local emergency services are managing the aftermath.