菲律宾参议院网站被“死亡笔记号黑客”入侵, 没有敏感数据被泄露。 Philippine Senate's website hacked by "Death Note Hackers", no sensitive data compromised.
菲律宾参议院的网站被一个名为“死亡笔记黑客”的组织黑客入侵,但没有敏感或机密数据受到损害。 The Philippine Senate's website was hacked by a group called "Death Note Hackers", but no sensitive or confidential data was compromised. 黑客进入了用于上载公开文件的账户,如委员会听讯记录誊本和全体会议期刊。 The hackers accessed accounts used for uploading public documents such as committee hearing transcripts and plenary session journals. 参议院确认,没有违反任何敏感或机密信息,并将维持强有力的网络安全措施,以保护其网站。 The Senate confirms that no sensitive or confidential information was breached and will maintain robust cybersecurity measures to protect its website.