尼日利亚统计网站被黑;NBS 警告公众不要理会最近的帖子。 Nigerian stats website hacked; NBS warns public to ignore recent posts.
尼日利亚国家统计局(NBS)报告说,其官方网站被身份不明的攻击者黑入。 The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in Nigeria reports that its official website has been hacked by unknown attackers. 该局警告公众不要理会网站上张贴的任何信息,直至网站完全恢复。 The bureau warns the public to disregard any information posted on the site until it is fully restored. 国家边防局技术小组正在努力解决这一问题,但是没有提供恢复的时间框架。 The NBS's technical team is working to resolve the issue, but no timeframe for recovery has been provided. 这种黑客行为引起人们对国家重要统计数据安全性的担忧。 This hack raises concerns about the security of vital national statistics.