警方和联邦调查局正在调查底特律一栋空置的房屋后面发现的遗骸 Human remains found behind a vacant Detroit house are being investigated by police and the FBI.
底特律警察局和联邦调查局正在调查底特律西北一带的建筑人员发现的遗骸 Human remains, found by a construction crew in Detroit's northwest side, are being investigated by the Detroit Police Department and the FBI. 尸体被包裹在一块类似薄膜的材料中,并被发现部分埋在一个空置房屋后面。 The remains were wrapped in a burlap-like material and discovered partially buried behind a vacant house. 韦恩县验尸官办公室 正在调查遗体是否是人 The Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office is working to determine if the remains are human. 警方正在寻求社区帮助,以查明与该房屋有关的任何失踪人员。 The police are seeking help from the community to identify any missing persons associated with the house.