警方正在调查伯明翰红山森林中发现的人类遗骸。 Human remains discovered in Red Mountain woods, Birmingham, under investigation by police.
在伯明翰红山树林中发现的人类遗骸目前正在接受警方调查。 Human remains discovered in the woods of Red Mountain in Birmingham are currently under investigation by police. 一名在该地区行走的人发现了骨骼遗骸,其年代太久远,目前无法确定性别或死因。 A person walking in the area found the skeletal remains, which are too old to determine gender or cause of death at this time. 杰斐逊县验尸官办公室和伯明翰警察局参与了调查。 The Jefferson County Coroner's Office and Birmingham Police Department are involved in the investigation. 随着更多细节的出现,故事将会更新。 As more details become available, the story will be updated.