8月21日,Hartlepool工业区的Niramax废物场发生火灾,火灾源自一个轮胎碎碎机,由消防员控制。 Fire at Niramax waste site in Hartlepool's industrial estate on 21 August, originating from a tyre shredding machine and controlled by firefighters.
8月21日,Hartlepool工业区的Niramax废物处理场发生火灾。 A fire occurred at Niramax waste processing site in Hartlepool's industrial estate on August 21. 消防员从比林汉姆和斯托克顿响应,控制火在下午中午. Firefighters from Billingham and Stockton responded, controlling the fire by mid-afternoon. 火焰来自Niramax橡胶制品厂的一台轮胎碎碎机,克利夫兰消防队一名军官意外证实。 The blaze originated from a tyre shredding machine at the Niramax Rubber Products facility and was confirmed accidental by a Cleveland Fire Brigade officer. 建议机动车手在事件发生期间避开该地区。 Motorists were advised to avoid the area during the incident.