Alipay将应用程序扩大到16种语言,以改善在中国的国际旅行经验。 Alipay expands app to 16 languages for improved international travel experience in China.
Alipay是中国主要支付服务平台,已扩大其应用程序,支持16种语文,包括法文、德文和泰文。 Alipay, the leading Chinese payment service platform, has expanded its app to support 16 languages, including French, German, and Thai. 此举旨在通过允许国际游客使用其首选语文使用应用软件服务,提高国际游客前往中国的旅行经验。 This move aims to enhance the travel experience of international visitors to China by allowing them to use the app's services in their preferred language. 2023年前7个月,访问中国的外国人人数增加了129.9%,2024年上半年,入境旅行者Alipay的支出增加了8倍。 The number of foreigners visiting China increased by 129.9% in the first seven months of 2023, and Alipay experienced an eightfold increase in spending by inbound travelers during the first half of 2024.