维多利亚的秘密32岁的模特丹尼拉·布拉加的洛杉矶家被盗, 盗窃者偷走了价值约100万英 (130万美元) 的物品. 32-year-old Victoria's Secret model Daniela Braga's LA home was burgled, with thieves stealing items worth around £1m ($1.3m).
32岁的维多利亚的秘密模特丹妮拉·布拉加(Daniela Braga)在洛杉矶的家被盗,小偷偷走了名牌包,珠宝和价值约100万英镑(1.3百万美元)的物品。 32-year-old Victoria's Secret model Daniela Braga's LA home was burgled, with thieves stealing designer bags, jewelry, and items worth around £1m ($1.3m). 窃贼闯进来砸碎窗户 拿走了屋子里的一切 包括订婚和结婚戒指 还有孩子的超声波图像 The burglars broke in by smashing a window and took everything in the house, including her engagement and wedding rings, and her baby's ultrasound image. 这一事件是最近洛杉矶地区高端入室盗窃事件增加的一部分。 This incident is part of a recent increase in high-end burglaries in the Los Angeles area.