SPCA递交一份请愿书,有57 000多人签名反对废除新西兰实际出口海上禁令。 SPCA presents a petition with over 57,000 signatures against NZ's live export sea ban repeal.
爱护动物协会敦促新西兰人反对废除海上活体出口禁令,并提交了一份有超过57,000个签名的请愿书。 The SPCA urges New Zealanders to oppose the repeal of the ban on live export by sea, presenting a petition with over 57,000 signatures. 讨论文件将在9月前发布,供公众协商。 社会与文化局敦促公众通过在文件上提交或写信给议员或部长,表达他们的反对。 A discussion document will be released for public consultation before September, and the SPCA urges the public to express their opposition by submitting on the document or writing to their MP or Minister. 负责废除禁令的ACT议员安德鲁·霍格德坚持认为任何恢复的贸易都将提高动物福利标准. ACT MP Andrew Hoggard, responsible for repealing the ban, insists that any reinstated trade will have enhanced animal welfare standards.