捷克共和国增加了从阿塞拜疆进口的石油,加深了经济联系,使能源多样化。 Czech Republic increases oil imports from Azerbaijan, deepening economic ties and diversifying energy sources.
2024年,捷克共和国从阿塞拜疆进口的原油总量增长了4%,价格增长了10%,成为第三大买主。 Czech Republic's crude oil imports from Azerbaijan grew 4% in volume and 10% in price in 2024, making it the third-largest buyer. 这加深了各国之间的经济联系,使能源多样化,提供稳定的石油供应,支持经济增长和工业发展,以及扩大市场存在。 This deepens economic ties between countries, diversifying energy sources, providing stable oil supplies, supporting economic growth and industrial development, and broadening market presence. 阿塞拜疆增加收入,加强全球市场存在,捷克共和国加强能源安全,减少对传统供应商的依赖。 Azerbaijan gains increased revenues and a stronger global market presence, while the Czech Republic enhances energy security and reduces reliance on traditional suppliers.