津巴布韦CTC批准了Matumi Energy收购Rockodox 70%的股份,没有发现竞争或垄断问题。 Zimbabwe's CTC approved Matumi Energy's 70% acquisition of Rockodox, finding no issues with competition or monopoly concerns.
津巴布韦竞争和关税委员会(CTC)批准Matumi Energy收购了一家燃料公司Rockodox的70%股份。 Zimbabwe's Competition and Tariff Commission (CTC) approved Matumi Energy's acquisition of a 70% stake in Rockodox, a fuel firm. 该交易被评估为纵向和横向合并的潜在危害,但CTC没有发现投入或客户丧失抵押品赎回权的问题,合并后的实体不会损害竞争或形成垄断。 The deal was assessed for potential harm from vertical and horizontal mergers, but CTC found no issues with input or customer foreclosure, and the merged entity won't harm competition or create a monopoly. 该合并公司是跨非洲石油的子公司,将继续在未集中的市场中经营。 The merged company, a subsidiary of Trans African Oil, will continue operating in an unconcentrated market.