在英国,50%的8-18岁儿童在业余时间不喜欢阅读。 50% of 8-18 year-olds in the UK do not enjoy reading in their spare time.
在全球范围内,越来越多的儿童在业余时间不喜欢阅读,英国 50% 的 8-18 岁儿童不喜欢阅读。 Globally, a growing number of children do not enjoy reading in their spare time, with 50% of 8-18 year-olds in the UK not enjoying reading. 父母可以通过找出孩子不喜欢的原因、向老师咨询见解以及在需要时寻求阅读专家的建议来提供帮助。 Parents can help by identifying reasons for their child's dislike, consulting teachers for insights, and seeking advice from reading specialists if needed. 鼓励孩子找到他们感兴趣的主题的书籍,设定有意义的阅读目标,并支持自我效能感,可以提高他们的乐趣和习惯。 Encouraging children to find books on topics they're interested in, setting meaningful reading goals, and supporting self-efficacy can improve their enjoyment and habits.