美国战斗机喷气式战斗机在叙利亚霍姆斯省靠近俄罗斯侦察机飞行。 US fighter-bomber jet flies close to Russian surveillance aircraft in Syria's Homs province.
据俄罗斯国家通讯社TASS报道,据报道,美国一架战斗轰炸机于2024年8月18日在叙利亚霍姆斯省飞近一架俄罗斯侦察机. A US fighter-bomber jet reportedly flew close to a Russian surveillance aircraft in Syria's Homs province on August 18, 2024, according to Russia's TASS state news agency. 事件发生在al-Tanf地区,美国在那里有一个军事基地。 The incident occurred in the al-Tanf region, where the US has a military base. 俄罗斯机组人员设法避免了碰撞,表现出高度的专业精神,他说,俄罗斯叙利亚对立派和解中心副主任Oleg Ignassyuk上尉是叙利亚的俄罗斯对立派和解中心副主任。 Russian crew managed to avoid a collision, demonstrating high professionalism, said Captain Oleg Ignasyuk, deputy head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria. 美国国防部尚未对此事件发表评论。 The US Department of Defense has not yet commented on the incident.