加拿大和美国战斗机在阿拉斯加防空识别区拦截俄罗斯和中国军用飞机。 Canadian and American fighter jets intercepted Russian and Chinese military planes in Alaska's Air Defense Identification Zone.
据北美防空司令部(NORAD)称,加拿大和美国的战斗机拦截了在阿拉斯加附近飞行的俄罗斯和中国飞机。 Canadian and American fighter jets intercepted Russian and Chinese planes flying near Alaska, according to the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD). 这些飞机于周三被发现和跟踪,并且一直停留在国际空域,其活动并不被视为威胁。 The planes were detected and tracked on Wednesday and remained in international airspace, with their activity not seen as a threat. 这是俄罗斯和中国军机首次在阿拉斯加防空识别区共同行动。 This marks the first time that Russian and Chinese military aircraft have operated together in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone.